Essential Navigation and Seamanship - Online
This self-paced online course provides a beginner's introduction to the navigation theory and safety knowledge required to go boating safely at sea.
Online activity
- A$320.00 incl. GST
The RYA Essential Navigation course is great for anyone new to sailing, motor boating, kayaking, fishing, or diving.
This 16-hour online course is great for anyone interested in sailing or boating.
It forms a valuable companion course to our entry-level sailing and powerboating courses including RYA Competent Crew and RYA Day Skipper Practical NSW Boat Licence, and RYA Powerboat Level 2.
Course content
Charts and publications
- Basic terms
- Introduction to chart datum and depths
Buoyage / Navigation
- Lateral buoys / Cardinal buoys
- Measuring distance, bearing and heading
- Plotting a position, position fix
- Harbour information
- Transits, pilotage plan
- Personal and boat safety equipment
- Safety procedures, comms, and rescue procedures
- Where to anchor
- How to anchor
- Tidal streams
- Tidal heights
Electronic Navigation
- GNSS terms and use
- Using waypoints
Rules of the Road
- Risk of collision
- Rights of way
Weather Forecasts
- Sources of forecast
- Terms used in forecast
Passage Planning
- SOLAS V requirements
- Pre-planning
What's included
- Online course login
- RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship course pack includes basic navigation tools
- Instructor support if required
- RYA ESS certificate of course completion.
Before you start
- No previous experience is required.
- The course is suitable for sailors, power boat owners, fishermen, and all boaties wanting to learn the foundations of navigation and seamanship.
- The course is 100% online. All you need is an internet connection and a computer. Access to the course is 12 months.
What next?
If you plan to skipper your own boat or are considering commercial qualifications you should go on to complete Day Skipper Shorebased Theory and Day Skipper Practical courses.